
"If God wants you to have it, the blessing will forever have your name on it. That's why it's not important to overthink or question the way things unfold in your life. There's divine timing and purpose attached to every circumstance you face in life. When you begin to build that faith, you gain a confidence towards God's plans for your life. You will soon realize that you 're always in the process of becoming and God is always in your corner no matter what."

Well said

@Winney Wabby


"Hvis Gud ønsker, at du skal have det, vil velsignelsen for altid have dit navn på sig. Derfor er det ikke vigtigt at overtænke eller stille spørgsmålstegn ved den måde, tingene udspiller sig på i dit liv. Der er guddommelig timing og formål knyttet til enhver omstændighed, du står over for i livet. Når du begynder at opbygge den tro, får du selvtillid til Guds planer for dit liv. Du vil hurtigt indse, at du altid er i færd med at blive til, og at Gud altid er i dit hjørne, uanset hvad."

@Winney Wabby

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